
Monday 9 January 2012

Hospitality at Home

Relevant Magazine recently posted at article around the idea of rooting down called 'The Transient Generation'.  The following is a quote from that article, but click here for the whole read:

Edith Schaeffer, who founded the hospitality-driven L’Abri ministry with her husband, held the firm belief, “We are an environment, each one of us.” You don’t need fine china or Good Housekeeping decorating skills to practice hospitality, because you create the environment where you are. It can be as simple as inviting a friend to coffee, hosting a soup night or a picnic on your living room floor or even asking good questions and listening. And as we practice hospitality, it transcends the physical space of our homes into a lifestyle attitude which welcomes, invites and generously hosts others in an environment that can help people to thrive in the way God wants them to thrive. 

Imagine calling our churches to live this not only at home, but in the church building as well!