
Thursday, 8 September 2011

What is Short Term Missions?

The phrase "Short Term Missions Trips" often conjure up visions of eager, fresh scrubbed youth heading out to Mexico to do drama skits and hard labour.  It takes months of bottle drives, babysitting nights and fervent testimonies in front of the church to raise funds.

That's great...if you are a youth.  And you speak Spanish.  And you and your church plan to commit to this destination/ministry/village for an extended time with money, resources and visits.

The reality is that STMs can be SO much more than that!

What if short term missions looked like serving in a local meal program in your own community once or twice a month?  Or planted gardens in your church lot for folks who could use both the community and the food that the garden would provide?  Or going to one of our sister churches to serve the elderly or children?

What if Short Term Missions actually meant Loving your Neighbour?  Your actual physical neighbour, your community, your region, your country????

Interested in learning more...keep checking this blog.  Email me at: nvanderkuip@cbwc.ca or call!